You are currently viewing INFORMATION BULLETIN – COVID-19


  • The Government updated their guidelines in relation to COVID19 on Sunday 10th May at 7pm. The new guidelines are as follows:
    • Stay at home as much as possible
    • Work from home if you can
    • Limit contact with other people
    • Keep your distance if you go out (2 metres apart where possible)
    • Wash your hands regularly
  • Walthew House remains closed to service users and volunteers. We are continuing to provide support for people with a sensory loss and are assisting with delivery of shopping, specialist VI counselling support, provision of hearing aid batteries, care packages, technology and exercise. For more information please contact the office on 0161 480 2612.
  • Stockport Council has been informed of a scam taking place where residents are being targeted by people on their doorsteps claiming to be Stockport Council workers. They are offering to do residents’ shopping and taking cash payments or bank details. This is a scam. Please do not give your money to people claiming this.
  • Cheshire Hearing is now seeing patients. Patients are to use the back door only and will be escorted at all times when they are in the building. To book an appointment please contact 0161 477 7629 / 07801 688 228.
  • Walthew House in partnership with Life Leisure has produced 20-minute chair-based exercise recordings for you to do in the comfort of your own home. Recordings are suitable for people with a sight or hearing loss. We know that those who usually attend the chair-based exercise class on a Monday are missing it, and those that don’t may still benefit from a low-impact, audio described and subtitled exercise session. There will be a session weekly going forward which will be on our social media and on Stockport Talking Newspaper. If you have any feedback on this recording or you would like to be sent a copy, for you to keep please contact Shannon on 0161 480 2612 or
  • Stockport Council has confirmed that their Green Bin collection will start a fortnightly service from today. Please put your Green bin out before 7am on the same day that your Black bin is collected. Please put your food waste in your Green bin.
  • Stockport LGBT and Centre CIC has today launched an LGBTQ helpline. This is available 9am-5pm Monday to Friday on 07590 087 107 for your social contact, food or counselling needs.

For information on any of the above contact us:

Phone: 0161 480 2612/ Email: / Text: 07980 507 884