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‘What’s New at Walthew’ – May newsletter

Welcome to the May issue of ‘What’s New at Walthew.’ Read about what has been happening here at Walthew House over the last month and what we have coming up. Please share with your friends, family and colleagues!

Image shows a large hall with lots of men and women waving flags and wearing British flag hats.

Coronation celebrations at Walthew House

Both our Tuesday Luncheon Club and Thursday Deaf Club enjoyed delicious afternoon teas at the start of the month to celebrate the King’s Coronation! Staff and volunteers had decorated the halls beautifully with bunting, flowers, and large photographs of the Royal Family, and the service users enjoyed talking about the special celebrations. The Deaf Club all joined in with the National Anthem in British Sign Language (BSL).

Group of people stood behind steel drums wearing Walthew House t-shirts and flower garlands around their necks.

Bramhall Duck Race and Family Fun Day

Thank you to our friends at Bramhall and Woodford Rotary Club for inviting our steel band to perform at their annual duck race at Bramhall Park on 21st May – they certainly entertained the crowds on the day with their performances in the courtyard.  Our volunteers on our stall in the Walled Garden did a fantastic job organising our tombola, lucky dip and tin can alley, and we were able to raise £264.50 in much-needed funds for our charity.  Thank you to everyone who cheered on our duck in its race too, which managed to finish in a respectable third place in its race!

Three men stood behind a go kart, that has another man sat behind the wheel.

Krazy Races soapbox event supports Walthew House

We are so grateful to our friends at Nexperia for entering the Krazy Races event on the 28th May and raising sponsorship money for our charity.  The soapbox was adorned with our logo, and was expertly driven by Kelvin Chan as he raced past the crowds lining the streets in Stockport! The team finished in a very respectable 7th place overall out of more than 30 teams, and they have so far raised £280 for our charity – well done Team Nexperia!

Image shows front cover of a document with the title Annual Review 2023 and the logo of Walthew House.

Walthew House Annual Review 2023 published

We have created an Annual Review publication as an opportunity to share details of the positive differences we have made for adults and children living with sight and/or hearing loss across Stockport.  We hope you enjoy reading about what we have been doing here at Walthew House, and if you have any questions then please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.  Copies of the document will be sent out to all of our supporters, but you can also read it online via this link.

Image shows a woman posing for a photograph with one of our charity Trustees, Barrie, whilst holding a certificate.

Community Stars funding from Vernon Building Society

Thank you to Amanda and Ian from Vernon Building Society for visiting us here at Walthew House last week. They presented us with a certificate to show that they have awarded our charity £650 to help fund our sensory loss Youth Club’s residential trip later this year, as part of their #CommunityStars fund.

We gave the visitors a tour of our building, including our not-for-profit equipment and technology Resource Centre, and they were able to listen to our sensory loss steel band at their weekly practice upstairs! We are very grateful for the continued support of our community – thank you Team Vernon!

Image shows two female volunteers wearing Walthew House t-shirts and rosettes, stood behind a bar.

Final call for Stockport Beer and Cider Festival volunteers

We are the nominated Charity at the Stockport Beer and Cider Festival again this year, which takes place from Thursday 22nd – Saturday 24th June 2023 at the Stockport Masonic Guildhall – and we need volunteers to support us!

We need volunteers to help serve on our Charity Bar, sell event programmes, sell soft drinks and snacks, and promote our fundraising activities (bucket collection and selling raffle tickets). The times we need to cover are as follows:

🍺 Thursday 22nd June: 5pm – 11pm

🍺 Friday 23rd June: 5pm – 11pm

🍺 Saturday 24th June: 5pm – 11pm

If you are available to cover any of these shifts (or even just part of them!) please let us know by calling 0161 480 2612 or email

Last year was great fun, and we managed to raise almost £6,000 for our charity too!

We hope you enjoyed reading our monthly newsletter. If you have any ideas for information we could include in future issues, please get in touch with us.

Walthew House is open between 9:00am and 4:00pm, Monday – Thursday (please note that staff are contactable Monday – Friday 9:00am – 4:00pm). Contact us on 0161 480 2612 or email

Best wishes from everyone at Walthew House